Get help upgrading your Create React App

Stay current on the latest security updates and let your team to focus on building the business.

Security First

Create React App was abandoned in 2022, leaving many applications with critical security vulnerabilities without a resolution path.Migrating to a maintained framework ensures your business stays secure and promotes a productive developer environment.

What's included

  • Migrate from CRA to Vite JS

  • Update package dependencies

  • Asset import and reformatting

  • Dependabot security alerts (Github only)


  • Application is on Node 12+ and React 17+

  • Application is not in an "ejected" state

  • Project size is less than 1000 files

Hi, I'm Nate!I'm a software developer with over 8 years of experience building and upgrading React applications.I've experienced the pain of being stuck with outdated technology and unable to build fast with confidence.Let me help your business move forward without looking back!

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